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About this brand

Since day one, ESE has maintained the ability to customize products to meet a customer's specific requirement. As of our 50th anniversary in 2021, ESE has designed and built more than 2700 different "Specials." These Specials are sometimes a simple modification to an existing product while on many occasions require that a brand new unit be designed from scratch. Today, ESE's line of products consists of eleven product "families" including "Master Clocks Systems", "9-1-1 Products", "Clocks and Timers", "Distribution Amplifiers", "SMPTE Time Code" Products, "Audio" Products, "Video" Products, "Time Control" Products, "IRIG Time Code" Products, "Airborne" Products and Time Code "Converters and Translators". Products within these families are usually available with one or more "Options" allowing semi-custom units to be built for many unique applications.